File specifications
File specifications
M&M Printworks operates a MAC based computer system and runs the full Abode Creative Cloud Suite. The following is a list of compatible software programs, file formats and artwork specifications for clients who would like to supply their own finished artwork.
Please note that all supplied artwork must meet the following requirements:
• press quality or high res files
• CMYK colour mode (unless you are supplying a SPOT colour job)
• 2mm bleed
• trim marks
• all images provided as CMYK and at 300dpi
• logos should be supplied as scalable vector files i.e. PDF, AI or EPS files
PDF FILES– Press Ready PDF files are our preferred file format. If your artwork contains drop shadows or other transparent items please supply a flattened PDF to avoid any potential print errors. Ensure your colour mode is CMYK and includes bleed and trims.
Adobe Indesign – Please supply a packaged Indesign file including all links, images and fonts. If you created your artwork on a PC please convert all text to outlines to avoid any compatibility issues when transferred to our MAC systems. Ensure your colour mode is CMYK and includes bleed.
Adobe Illustrator – Please convert all fonts to outline. EPS and AI files are accepted. Ensure your colour mode is CMYK and includes bleed and trims.
Adobe Photoshop – TIF, EPS, PSD and JPG files are accepted but not recommended. Due to the nature of these files your type, especially small text, can print slightly fuzzy. All Photoshop files must be a minimum of 300dpi at final size, converted to CMYK and include bleed.
Please note that Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher and Pagemaker files are NOT ACCEPTABLE as finished art. Please contact us to discuss alternative solutions. Artwork costs may apply.
Before commencing your design and layout, please ensure your files are set up at the correct size and include a 2mm bleed. The trim size is the final dimension that your printed job will be cut down to. Any design elements (image, graphic or coloured box) in your artwork that touch the trim edge (or page edge) must extend beyond the page by 2mm in each direction. This is called bleed and is safety margin allowance required during post-production trimming to prevent unexpected white gaps appearing along your page edge.
If you are using Indesign or Illustrator to create your artwork set your document size up as normal and be sure to check the include bleed tick box. When exporting press quality PDF files ensure the include bleed tick box is also selected. If you are creating your artwork in Photoshop you will need to physically create a larger file e.g. if your finished product size is 210mm x 297mm, your actual document size including bleed will be set up as 214mm x 301mm.
Any important design elements (text, graphic, logos, and images) that are not meant to touch the trim edge must be positioned be at least 5mm in from the page edge to ensure trim tolerances are maintained.
Product finished size
| Bleed size
A0 841mm x 1189mm | 845mm x 1193mm |
A1 594mm x 841mm | 598mm x 845mm |
A2 420mm x 594mm | 424mm x 598mm |
A3 297mm x 420mm | 301mm x 424mm |
A4 210mm x 297mm | 214mm x 301mm |
A5 148mm x 210mm | 152mm x 214mm |
A6 105mm x 148mm | 109mm x 152mm |
A7 74mm x 105mm | 79mm x 109mm |
BC 90mm x 55mm | 94mm x 59mm |
DL 100mm x 210mm | 104mm x 214mm |
To avoid text that is difficult to read please do not use a type size less than 6pt. When using reversed out type (white text sitting on a darker background) it is recommended that you use a medium-weight font that is at least 8pt in size. Key lines or strokes must be a minimum thickness of .25pt.
If you have a solid black area in your CMYK design and want this to print as a very strong deep colour it is best to create a separate rich black swatch. This swatch can then be applied to any elements in your design. Please note that a rich black swatch should never be used on text or thin lines as it can result in a slightly fuzzy effect when printed.
If your artwork requires forme-cutting or spot varnishes please supply two versions of your file – one with the dieline/varnish applied as a separate SPOT colour with the attributes set to OVERPRINT, and a second file with the dieline/varnish removed.